Rice-Eccles Stadium
Salt Lake City, UT
Sep 12 - 14
Choose an available date and tee time from the menu and select a quantity of 2, 4, 6, or 8 players before proceeding to checkout (or register multiple tee times for additional players by adding more to the cart)
Complete the required fields in the "Buyer Information" and "Player Information" sections.
Your official tee time bookings are processed for your playing group upon completion at checkout and a confirmation will be sent to your provided email address
Each player within your group will be provided with 18 total complementary golf balls at the event
Tee time bookings are non-refundable and all sales are final.
Select the Pro Package (select the quantity of players in your group to be upgraded) during checkout, which includes the following upgraded items:
Play the exclusive 6-hole short game course.
Eligibility to win exclusive stadium prizes and the Short Game Championship.
Private access to the Practice Range to extend your golfing experience at the stadium.
More golf balls to play along the course to prolong your Stadiumlinks experience.
We provide a selection of irons and wedges, both right-handed and left-handed, for complimentary use. You are welcome to bring your own irons and wedges; however, NO GOLF BAGS, DRIVERS, HYBRIDS OR WOODS WILL BE ALLOWED INTO THE VENUE. Allowed clubs include: 8I, 9I, and two wedges. Sorry, no exceptions—women and children must adhere to the same policy.
Spectators may purchase GA tickets at the check-in area for $30. Spectators under the age of 12 are free.
Please arrive NO LATER than 30 minutes before your registered tee time.
Hole distances are expected to range from approximately 60 yards up to 150 yards (adjusted for slope).
Free parking is available in Lot 1 west of the stadium. Look for a section of reserved parking for Stadiumlinks.
Entrance to the event is via the Olympic Cauldron stairs south of Gate C at the southwest corner of the stadium.
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